Liferay Based Health Care Portal

With the Althea Studies application user can define a longitudinal study on our web site and deploy it on all leading smart-phone platforms. It helps user to design, enroll, conduct, manage and publish the study. An Althea Study attempts to make useful correlations between symptoms (or observations) & causes (or medications/actions & outcomes) by collecting data from study participants during the period of the study.
Web based application where user can define longitudinal study using rich interface. This application integrates seamlessly with all the leading smart-phone platforms with robust service oriented architecture.
Portal Framework: Liferay Portal 6.0.6 CE
Server: Tomcat 6
Backend Database: MySQL 5.0.3
MVC – Spring MVC
For Database Query Monitoring – P6SPY
Tomcat Monitoring – PSI Probe
HTML report – Jasper Reports
JavaScript Frameworks – Dojo and jQuery
SOA – RESTFUL web services to integrate with mobile services


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November 4, 2016